Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

The day has arrived! Here are some treats to enjoy!

Para Abnormal

Consult The Oracle or send some Zombie Mail!


100 Greatest Horror Movie Quotes Of All Time

(thanks to No Room In Hell)


Halloween Horror Classics Megamix

(from last Halloween)


A cover of John Carpenter's “Halloween Theme”

(thanks to The Retroist)


Click here for a spooky surprise!

Myers Ghost


Remember, The Walking Dead premiers tonight on AMC!

Walking Dead

Here's a guide to identifying symptoms of "Walker Disease"

Also, Zombie Shopping in an unexpected place.


Hope you all have a scary, creepy, eerie Halloween!

Sam Jeremy Scott

And remember, it's Halloween...

Everyone's entitled to one good scare!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kill the Zombies!

Kill the Zombies!

Let the circles at the bottom load up,
then click the PLAY button above them,
not the ad in the square box.

The oversize messes with my OCD,
but this was too fun not to post!


Here is another game:

Pumpkin Remover 2



And thanks to Interesting Pile for the heads up on these!

Friday, October 29, 2010


For your enjoyment, the "Hellowe'en" episode of the great "Friday the 13th: The Series"

This episode originally aired October 31, 1987!

23 years ago - Wow, does time fly.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Whatcha Gonna Queue?"

I was contacted by Alex Rabinowitz - co-host of the recently launched weekly video series, "Whatcha Gonna Queue?" - about helping to promote the show, and after viewing, I am more than happy to oblige.

Each week Alex and his co-host Jim recommend some of the best titles that Netflix has to offer: New to Netflix (new releases), What the #!*@% is This??? (obscure stuff) and For Your Consideration (timely or relevant cinematic themes).

I liked the episode I watched, and am going to go back and watch the previous three. Here for you to check out and enjoy is their newly released Halloween episode:

Whatcha Gonna Queue? Halloween Episode

Viewers also have a chance to win a free copy of any DVD they've discussed during the episode. The episode ends with a quote from a horror film and the first 5 viewers to tweet the correct answer to their account (@Whatcha_Gonna_Q) will win any title of their choice, no strings attached.

Some Whatcha Gonna Queue? Links:

YouTube Channel
Main Site
Facebook Page
Twitter Page

A great premise, I will be looking forward to more recommendations from Alex and Jim.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Dead Path - Horror Novel Giveaway!

The Dead Path

I was sent a copy of the debut horror novel The Dead Path by Stephen M. Irwin to read and review. So far, I am liking what I am reading!

From the publisher:

Do you remember the last time a book gave you the chills? The Dead Path is the ghost story we’ve been waiting for.

A haunting vision in the woods sets off a series of tragic events, leaving Nicholas Close lost amid visions of ghosts trapped in their harrowing, final moments. These uniquely ter rifying apparitions lead him on a thrilling and suspenseful ride to confront a wicked soul, and will leave an indelible mark on lovers of high-quality suspense and horror alike.

Nicholas Close has always had an uncanny intuition, but after the death of his wife he becomes haunted, literally, by ghosts doomed to repeat their final violent moments in a chilling and endless loop. Torn by guilt and fearing for his sanity, Nicholas returns to his childhood home and is soon entangled in a dis turbing series of disappearances and murders—both as a sus pect and as the next victim of the malignant evil lurking in the heart of the woods.

Stephen M. Irwin is the kind of debut author that readers love to discover—and rave about to all their friends. His electric use of language, stunning imagery, and suspenseful pacing are all on full display here. The Dead Path is a tour de force of wild imagination, taut suspense, and the creepiest, scariest setting since the sewers in Stephen King’s It.

A bonus for you all: Random House is letting me run a giveaway for one lucky follower here. You can win your own copy of the book!

Just leave a comment below by the end of Saturday, October 30, 2010. I will choose a winner at random and post their info on Halloween day! Make sure I have a way to contact you if you don't have an email or profile linked to your comment!

Always love supporting new authors and new horror, so this is a win-win for everyone!

Good luck!

If you really want it now, click here for the Random House page for the book!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

AMC Horror Quizzes

Last year, I did a HUGE post of 160 horror/Halloween related trivia questions & answers.

This year, AMC (American Movie Classics) is doing the work for me. The channel is currently running the great FearFest, and on their website they have a bunch of movie related quizzes. So click the links below to test your horror movie knowledge!

Friday the 13th Franchise Movie Quiz
I got 69% (9 right, 4 wrong)

Jason Voorhees Ultimate Fan Quiz
I got 100% (10 right)

Halloween Franchise Ultimate Fan Quiz
I got 100% (10 right, 0 wrong)

Halloween Franchise Ultimate Fan Quiz Part II
I got 60% (6 right, 4 wrong)

The Omen Ultimate Fan Quiz
I got 20% (2 right, 8 wrong)

Hannibal Lecter Ultimate Fan Quiz
I got 50% (5 right, 5 wrong)

Alfred Hitchcock Ultimate Fan Quiz
I got 60% (6 right, 4 wrong)

Ghostbusters Ultimate Fan Quiz
I got 30% (3 right, 7 wrong)

Young Frankenstein Ultimate Fan Quiz
I got 40% (4 right, 6 wrong)

Another Skeletons in the Closet Quiz
I got 60% (3 right, 2 wrong)

Dracula Ultimate Fan Quiz
I got 50% (5 right, 5 wrong)

George A. Romero Ultimate Fan Quiz
I got 40% (4 right, 6 wrong)

Movie Were-beasts Ultimate Fan Quiz
I got 70% (7 right, 3 wrong)

How'd They Die? Horror Movie Quiz
I got 100% (5 right, 0 wrong)

Killer Weapons Horror-Movie Photo Quiz
I got 100% (5 right, 0 wrong)

Spot the Vampire Movie Photo Quiz
I got 66% (4 right, 2 wrong)

Vincent Price Ultimate Fan Quiz
I got 50% (5 right, 5 wrong)

Frankenstein Ultimate Fan Quiz
I got 70% (7 right, 3 wrong)

Wes Craven Horror Movie Quiz
I got 50% (3 right, 3 wrong)

Damn, I need to pay more attention!

Let me know what you get!

Monday, October 25, 2010



Heartstopper (2006)

Directed by: Bob Keen

Written by: Vlady Pildysh and Warren P. Sonoda

Starring: Meredith Henderson; Nathan Stephenson; James Binkley; Michael Cram; Robert Englund; Laura DeCarteret

Plot: Two hospitalized young people discover that things can get even worse when the dilapidated institution is stranded by a severe storm and a maniac stalks the corridors butchering the patients and staff.

I turned this one on the other night, expecting nothing more than a bad, low-budget mish-mash. I was happily surprised.

Not the most epic of films, but also not trying to be, this is a small film that feels contained and almost claustrophobic, much like the characters feel in the hospital.

The story is standard horror fare: an unstoppable killer with supernatural attributes and the normal people falling like toys around him. Yet the acting (including a good guy role played by horror icon Englund), writing and directing rise above the level of the usual low-budget stuff, showing promise for all involved. Too many times, films like this feel slap-dash and rushed, and this one didn't. I felt the time and care put into it. To me, this goes a long way towards forgiving a film its small flaws.

The only real gripe I have is with Binkley, the actor chosen to play the killer Chambers. Physically, he fits the brute killer role perfectly, but acting-wise, I felt like he didn't quite pull it together, too stilted for my taste. But, a minor gripe for a small movie like this.

Definitely recommended for horror/slasher fans.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

United Monster Talent Agency

The Walking Dead's FX man Greg Nicotero has made his directorial debut with this short film, "The United Monster Talent Agency." Filmed like a 1940s news reel, it advertises the agency for all your monster casting needs.

Head to FEARNET for an exclusive interview with the makeup master-turned-director.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dr. Dale's Zombie Dictionary: The A-Z Guide to Staying Alive

Zombie Dictionary

I was sent a copy of Dr. Dale's Zombie Dictionary: The A-Z Guide to Staying Alive, (which is a spin-off from the show, to read and review here.

At first, I was a tad reluctant. Zombies aren't my favorite horror genre, and I felt my opinion of the book would be jaded for that reason.

I am very happy to admit I was quite wrong!

The Dictionary, written by Dr. Dale Seslick and illustrated by Jack Knight, is just great - hilarious and fun - while being a real guide to what one should do to prepare for a zombie outbreak. That may sound silly, but hey - why not be prepared for any eventuality and have some fun whilst learning to do so?

The dictionary admirably attempts to cover any and all situations which should arrive once the dead walk again. Where to hide and where not to; when to fight and when not to; who to trust and who not to. From cover to cover, the book is just an easy, enjoyable read and you can't ask for any more than that!

An excerpt:


Caffeine taken in excess is thought to induce blurred vision, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety and fruity breath to name but a few of the symptoms. However, I simply cannot envisage waking up in the morning with a mob of undead to dispose of without a double espresso to get the motor running. Seeing as I will have to forego most other pleasures in life whilst my dead relatives plunder the earth I am not giving up coffee. And whilst I understand that eventually my supplies will run out, woe betide the person who has to face me in the morning to explain that there are no more beans - and heaven help them if they offer me tea instead!

At least there'll be a lot of zombies annihilated that day. Which is never a bad thing...

That doesn't mean that anyone surviving alongside me should pretend there's no coffee just to get me angry - just the thought upsets me!

I need a coffee - now!

Here is an interview with Ben Muir @ The

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse main site, information on their 2010 Tour in the UK, their Seminars, Reviews of the show, a Gallery and links to purchase the book from Amazon UK and Amazon US.

They also have Facebook and Twitter pages.

Highly recommended for zombie, horror and humor fans!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Two Creepy Ads

My family and I have been enjoying this Halloween ad by Snickers:

Quite bizarre and funny, but nothing like what comes next.

Gilligan over at the always awesome Retrospace posted some creepy ads.
I think this one takes the cake:

What the hell???

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I have nothing but love for artist Dave Lowe, creator of the awesome web comic PARA ABNORMAL.

Here is one of his latest:

Wonderful fun. I have mentioned his comic before here and here.

Head on over to PARA ABNORMAL for more wonderful comics!
Also check out Dave Lowe Design!

And one more for the road:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hollywood is Dead

The always great website The Retroist led me to these zombified works of art:


The site is Hollywood is Dead.

Here is what the site says about itself:

This collection of re-imagined movie posters is brainchild of notorious artist Matt Busch.  Each HOLLYWOOD IS DEAD poster parody is faithfully recreated by Busch’s ability to adapt any painting style thrown his way.  As opposed to just taking the original posters and altering them digitally in PhotoShop, Busch has painstakingly hand-painted every detail with traditional mixed media, before slaughtering them with a zombified treatment.

Head on over for many more and even a blog!

Some posters look more interesting than the film they are parodying!

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Darkness Within

The Darkness Within (2009)

Writer/Director: Dom Portalla

Cast: Jimmy Scanlon, Ken Flott, Michelle Romano, Stephanie Maheu, Sean Pierce, David Erin Wilson

Plot: A young couple move into a new apartment only to find that their neighbor is a peeping Tom. If they don't unlock the secret to this mysterious voyeur soon, they may lose everything, including their minds.

I won this DVD via a giveaway by Geof at the great blog Enter the Man-Cave.
Thanks, Geof!

And I wish I could say I liked the movie, but I just couldn't get into it. There is an interesting story here, somewhere, but the acting from the leads just didn't live up to any potential the story held.

The directing also has a too-amateurish feeling that keeps reminding you this is a low-budget pic. And low-budget doesn't have to automatically mean a sub-par flick, but here it does. In the end, it all just feels like a "rough draft" to me. Yet, I would be interested in future stories written by Portalla, as I feel he just needs time to shine.

Trailer for the film @

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Halloween: The Inside Story Previews

Halloween has a great interview up with Phil Nobile, the writer/director behind the upcoming Biography Channel special Halloween: The Inside Story.

Halloween Addict also mentioned some preview videos for the special available to watch on the Biography Channel site. Here are the links for those previews:

Halloween: Inside Story - Preview

Halloween: Inside Story - The Sequels

Halloween: Inside Story - Halloween II

Halloween: Inside Story - The Pitch

Halloween: The Inside Story airs on Bio, The Biography Channel
on October 25th at 9PM ET/8PM CT/10PM PT

Sorry for the lack of embedded videos, but Blogger seems to be suffering some sort of malady in that regard.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

"The Grither"

Tales from the Darkside is one of the great, creepy anthology series from the 1980s.

Embedded below is the episode entitled "Seasons of Belief" from December of 1986, which stars E.G. Marshall.

The plot: Two kids who don't believe in Santa Claus demand a story on Christmas Eve. They get a different story, a horrific tale of the monstrous "Grither."

My kids were so freaked out by this episode that they still get the willies when I just mention "The Grither!"

Friday, October 15, 2010

Halloween Crafts

Today, I am showing off some of the Halloween items I have made,
using plastic canvas and yarn:

plastic canvas,crafts,halloween
3D Pumpkin

plastic canvas,crafts,halloween
Another 3D Pumpkin

plastic canvas,crafts,halloween
Hanging Halloween Cat

plastic canvas,crafts,halloween
Small Ghost with Pumpkins

plastic canvas,crafts,halloween
Tissue Box Cover in Fall Colors

plastic canvas,crafts,halloween
Skull Wall Hanging

plastic canvas,crafts,halloween
Small Witch

plastic canvas,crafts,halloween
Witch Tissue Topper

plastic canvas,crafts,halloween
Closer view of Witch Topper

plastic canvas,crafts,halloween
Happy Halloween Sign

This Frankenstein was made and submitted to the web project

Hope you like them!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Halloween 13 Meme


SamuraiFrog @ Electronic Cerebrectomy posted this and I thought it would be fun to play along!

1. What is the worst treat to get when trick-or-treating?

Any loose candy, like unwrapped or even barely wrapped. Why?

2. What character from any horror film would you most like to play?
Jason Voorhees, I guess.

3. Would you rather be a zombie, alien, or psycho? (why)

Zombie would be easier, I suppose, but a psycho would be more challenging.

4. How many Halloween, Friday the 13th, or Nightmare on Elm Street movies combined do you have on dvd?

All of them, actually. Well, I don't have the Rob Zombie remakes (bleh) or the new Nightmare on Elm Street (but I supposedly won it, so that may change). And some, like the F13 movies, I have in different versions. And I have like 3 versions of Carpenter's Halloween. It is my favorite movie of all.

5. What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?
The original Halloween still has the ability to leave me unsettled. Calvaire is one that totally freaked me out.

6. Lamest costume you have worn on Halloween?

As I have gotten older, I have just worn horror t-shirts, usually. The lamest may be when I went in drag. Not a good look.

7. Favorite Halloween treat?

Pumpkin pie is good, but I usually have that around Thanksgiving. Maybe the Reeses' Peanut Butter Pumpkins or the Monster Cereals.

8. Friendly-faced jack o’lantern or scary one?


9. Have you ever had nightmares about a scary movie character chasing you?

Yup. Michael Myers. And I still go back and watch again and again.

10. Best thing about Halloween?

What's not to like? The air is crisp, not too cold but not to hot. The television is filled with creepy flicks, some you never get to see at any other time of year. Homes are decorated in spooky and wonderful ways. Pumpkins abound and candy is plentiful. All good!

11. Strangest Halloween custom you’ve heard of?

What I find strange is people celebrating Halloween days ahead of time, to not scare their kids or whatever. What? It is HALLOWEEN, people!

12. Person in your family who most likes Halloween (not counting yourself)?

I guess my daughter. She loves the same aspects I do, except for the scary movies.

13. Are you superstitious? If so, name at least one superstition of yours.

No, don't believe any of it is real. All good for fun and merriment, but that's where it ends.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Owl

Many thanks to the Frog Queen @ Frog on the Pumpkin for posting these:

There are many more episodes featuring The Owl, also known as La Chouette, from Studio Hari. Check them out @ YouTube!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dark Night of the Scarecrow

Dark Night of the Scarecrow

Dark Night of the Scarecrow (1981)

Directed by Frank De Felitta

Starring Charles Durning, Robert F. Lyons, Claude Earl Jones, Lane Smith, Tonya Crowe, Larry Drake, Jocelyn Brando, Tom Taylor, Richard McKenzie

Plot: In a small town, a man is wrongfully killed for a crime he didn't commit. Soon, someone - or something - is exacting vengeance for his death.

This movie has been mentioned a lot recently on blogs, due to the fact that it has been released on DVD for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I was lucky to fall into a good spot in the Netflix line, so my wife and I watched it this weekend. And we enjoyed it.

The gore/blood is at a minimum, mainly due to the fact that this was a made-for-TV film. But this works in the film's favor, as more time is spent on the characters and their interactions with each other. The real villain here doesn't turn out to be who we expect, rather we are left rooting for vengeance to be exacted on those who have done wrong due to their nature, be that pure evil or just plain cowardice.

Some of the dark themes here are only lightly touched upon, so that it can appeal to a broader (younger) audience. With sparse diaolgue at times, the thoughts or intentions of some characters are hinted at, but we are left to let our own imaginations fill in the blanks. As usual, this works to add deeper, creepier layers that would be lost if things were more blatantly shoved in our face. As I have said before, less truly is more in thriller, suspense and horror movies.

Acting and directing is all well done here, as everyone brings their best to the production, from Larry Drake as the simple-minded man (how often was he cast in these roles?) to Tonya Crowe as his young, non-judgmental friend. A couple of surprises for me were Durning as a highly-unlikable man with a superiority complex and Jocelyn Brando (Marlon's sister) as Drake's caring mother, soon turned angry and mournful.

Highly recommended, this film may be almost 30 years old, but is great for those looking for a good, scary film on a dark and spooky night!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Graveyard Book

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

The Graveyard Book

The Graveyard Book is the tale of a young boy, Nobody Owens, who is the lone survivor of the night his family was murdered. Bod - his nickname - comes under the protection of the denizens of a local graveyard. Each chapter is a tale in young Bod's life, coming a few years apart as he grows into a young man. We meet the ghosts - and other dark characters - he knows as his family and friends. And we see the return of the man who killed his family and who still wants to finish the job with young Bod.

Nobody Owens

I went into this story knowing nothing about it and finished it in love with the characters and setting. Gaiman has created a magical little world that you will want to visit again and again. Bod is a real little boy, growing and making mistakes along the way, even with help from the supernatural. And his family and friends are unique and mysterious. And the graveyard itself seems like an amazing place to grow up in and explore

Bod Owens

A great book, highly recommended to one and all, it has one the Newbery Medal, the Hugo Award for Best Novel and the Carnegie Medal, among other accolades. Let Gaiman himself tell you about it:

A big screen adaptation is apparently in the works, with Academy Award-winning Neil Jordan set as director. Hopefully they capture the magic of this wonderful tale.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Last year, I (and my family) searched high and low for the Trick 'r Treat DVD. I finally got my hands on copy, but only after Halloween had gone by. This year, I get to watch it during October, so that is just great.

Sam is a child-like character who appears throughout the anthology, seemingly dressed for trick-or-treating. He is a reminder to beware the breaking of Halloween traditions. He also is featured in one of the tales, where we get to see just what he looks like without the burlap sack covering his head. Creepy stuff.

Sam is the sort of eerie, not-quite-right Halloween character I just love.

Enjoy some pics (and a video) of this little demon:


Sam Trick 'r Treat

Sam 4

Sam 8
Trick R Treat by ~venomalienz

Sam Jeremy Scott
Trick 'R Treat -- Sam by ~jeremyrscott

Sam 5
Trick r Treat by *keikurochan

Ding Dong
Ding Dong by *Medox

Sam tattoo
Sam: Trick r Treat by *JakubNadrowski

Sam - movie still

Breehn Burns
also by Breehn Burns
view more Trick 'r Treat art at his site

Friday, October 8, 2010

Dracula vs the Atheist

Dracula Has Risen From the Grave

I have new horror movie hero!

While watching the classic 1969 Hammer Horror film "Dracula Has Risen From the Grave" the other day, I was surprised by a scene where a character professes himself an atheist. And not only does he profess this in a small town held hostage by being so close to Castle Dracula, he does it at his girlfriend's family home, where her uncle is visiting - her uncle who happens to be a Monsignor. Quite a brave lad, eh?

Paul - Dracula Has Risen
Maria and Paul, before they meet the Count!

Paul (played by actor Barry Andrews) risks losing the very beautiful Maria (Veronica Carlson) over his belief, since her family is quite connected to the church. But he sticks by his views and is honest in front of her very religious family, and refuses to quickly change his mind when the Monsignor, gravely injured by an encounter with the vampire, tells him he has to protect Maria and destroy Dracula. Even though Paul drives a stake into Dracula, he refuses to pray for the vampire's death at the pleas of a priest, preferring to battle him physically.

skip to 5:00 in to see the scene

In the end, Paul again battles Dracula (Christopher Lee), inadvertently sending the Count over a balcony to be impaled on a fallen crucifix. He then clambers back up to comfort Maria, leaving any praying for Dracula's demise to the priest. Whether Paul remains an atheist after confronting the supernatural so blatantly, we will never know.

A great review of the film can be found over at The [Horror] Film Connoisseur, along with more pics like the one above.

If anyone knows of other atheists in horror flicks, drop me a comment or an email!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Today for Halloween Month: Looney Tunes' Gossamer

Gossamer 1

Famous animator Chuck Jones created the character for the 1946 film Hair-Raising Hare. Bugs Bunny is supposed to be the meal for a mad scientist's unnamed, furry, red monster. Part of this plot was redone for the 1952 Jones short Water, Water Every Hare, but the monster was called "Rudolph". For years, the character was ignored, until Jones used him once again in 1980's Duck Dodgers and the Return of the 24 1/2th Century. In this toon, Marvin the Martian calls the monster Gossamer for the first time. Jones chose this name "because he's the opposite of gossamer. He's a big, hairy thing."

Gossamer 2

Since his resurfacing in 1980, Gossamer has made more appearances, in such Looney Tunes cartoons as Space Jam, Tiny Toon Adventures, Pinky and the Brain and Bah Humduck: A Looney Tunes Christmas.

Gossamer 3

The character has become more popular over time, and now is a favorite used by Looney Tunes marketing, appearing on hats, shirts, toys and more. We have quite a few items ourselves, including a collectible plate, a cookie jar, some stuffed toys and Christmas ornaments!

Gossamer Doc

Here is the character's first appearance, the classic Hair-Raising Hare:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bewitched - The Witches Are Out

Today for Halloween Month, I present (courtesy of Hulu) the first Halloween episode of the classic sitcom Bewitched.

Titled "The Witches Are Out," this is the seventh episode of the first season and first aired on October 29, 1964.

Summary: Samantha, her friends, Bertha and Mary, and her Aunt Clara - all witches - decide to change the popular conception of witches into a more flattering image.

If the video fails to load, here is the link @ Hulu - Bewitched: The Witches Are Out

Monday, October 4, 2010

Movie Monday: The Other

The Other (1972)

The Other

Cast: Uta Hagen, Diana Muldaur, Chris Udvarnoky, Martin Udvarnoky, Norma Connolly, Victor French, Jenny Sullivan, John Ritter

Director: Robert Mulligan

Writer/Screenplay by: Tom Tryon

Plot: Set in bucolic 1935 Connecticut, this chiller follows identical Perry twins Niles and Holland as a string of tragedies befalls their family. With the Perry clan still reeling from the untimely demise of the boys' father, their mother ends up paralyzed, and a corpulent cousin is impaled on a pitchfork. But Niles soon begins to see a link between Holland and the "accidents."

This film was one I had never seen nor even heard of until recently. It is a dark movie, dealing with the dark side of childhood imagination and despair. Once you understand what is going on, it is hard not to sympathize with all who suffer here.

The children who play the twins are quite good, the boy playing Niles in particular. He comes off as a real boy dealing with situations beyond his ability to understand.

Hagen is also great in the role of the twins' grandmother, dealing with the darkness she thinks she has controlled, and soon realizing she has underestimated the problems of those around her.

Muldaur has a relatively small role as the boys' mother, lost in her own grief and soon trapped within her own body. I have never seen her look more beautiful than she does at the beginning of this film.

Recommended, for fans of thrillers and mysteries.