Thursday, October 22, 2009

Halloween Month - Theme Thursday: TRAFFIC

Theme Thursday topic this week: Traffic.

To tie that into Halloween Month, I am going to talk about some horror flicks that involve 'traffic' in some way.


Final Destination 2 (2003)

[Ali Larter; A.J. Cook; Michael Landes; David Paetkau; James Kirk; Lynda Boyd; Keegan Connor Tracy]


The first sequel to "Final Destination" again features a teen who has a premonition of a major disaster that kills many, including her and her friends. She is able to stop a few from dying, but once more, death will not give up so easily.

In the first film, a plane crash was the disaster. Here, a highway pile-up is the catalyst. And it is quite an incredible scene.

Below is the crash scene from the film.
WARNING: This is graphic and NOT for everyone.
You HAVE been warned.

Very well orchestrated, filmed and edited. Hard to watch, even though I have seen it a few times.

The rest of the film isn't horrible, but it isn't Academy Award level stuff, either. That said, it is a good enough film for what it is.

New York Magazine cited the highway pile-up scene as the greatest car crash in movie history, calling it "the new gold standard for car-related chaos in cinema". Director Quentin Tarantino has been quoted as saying that the opening scene was "a magnificent car action piece". And the highway pile up was nominated for "Best Action Sequence" at the 2003 MTV Movie Awards.


A few other traffic-related horror/thriller flicks:

Duel (1971)


This is the great flick, directed by Steven Spielberg, in which Dennis Weaver portrays a businessman who runs afoul of a tractor-trailer driver, who then proceeds to chase him through the desert highways. An intense film, this one freaked me out as a kid.

Spielberg shot this film in 13 days, creating an amazing film in such a short amount of time!


The Hitcher (1986)

The Hitcher

Another road flick that scared the crap out of me, this one is about a young guy who manages to elude a nutcase hitchhiker. But soon enough, the hitchhiker has framed the dude for his crimes and has made his life hell. And it gets worse! Rutger Hauer played one scary creep in this film, and I bet he put a lot of drivers off from picking up wayward travelers!

This was followed by a sequel in 2003, "The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting" and remade in 2007 as "The Hitcher".


Joy Ride (2001)

Joy Ride

Three young people on a road trip from Colorado to New Jersey talk to a trucker on their CB radio, then must escape when he turns out to be a psychotic killer. Not bad for what it is, it takes a cue from "Duel", keeping the crazed killer nearly hidden for most of the flick.

Has spawned a sequel, "Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead" from 2008.


Know of any others? Let me know in the comments!

Click for more Theme Thursday takes on Traffic


Also, today marks my One Year Blog Anniversary!

This year has gone by FAST! Thank you to all who have commented here or inspired me with their own great blogs.



  1. Happy blogaversary!

  2. There was a good Twilight Zone involving a hitchhiker, too. I don't really like horror films, but I really liked all the Twilight Zones. I guess anything with heavy traffic would be a horror film, wouldn't it. :)

  3. No, that does it. I am going to take the bus this afternoon.

  4. Bus? I'm walking! And if I do drive, eyes will be straight ahead, not looking at anyone, not motioning anything, nada, nope...just me in my locked car trying to get home!

  5. I've heard about "Duel" but never seen it.

    Happy Anniversary!

  6. there were a slew of those about the 18 wheelers and truckers...i am at a loss for names...i remember when hitcher came out...i was 13...shivers.

    happy anniversary!

  7. In my old age I cannot stomach the horror films but remember seeing THE HITCHER...that totally FREAKED me out!!!!!

  8. Ok, so I didn't get past the first one.... that will stick in my head like a bad tune. You are very brave. -Jayne

  9. Wow, that's a crazy scene--its like a bloody Warner Bros. cartoon!

  10. I wouldn't say DUEL has traffic, but you have called out one of the great, simple, suspense movies of all time. That movie launched Spielberg's the benefit of us all.

  11. Great choices! I think the scene everyone remembers in FD2 is when the wire fence goes through the kid. Happy TT!

  12. That bit of films can make a radiator freeze in August.

    Happy TT

  13. I hope you get lots of blog traffic today to wish you happy blogoversary! :)

  14. Happy Anniversary, Wings! Here's to the first of many, many years!

    This subject made me think of a classic horror short story by Henry Slesar - "The Jam," in which Hell is eternal gridlock!

  15. Happy Anniversary! A wonderful take on this week's theme, too.

    Happy Continued Blogging!

  16. Happy Anniversary. Great descriptions, you make me want to watch them although I am not a horror film fan.

  17. Great selection, I've seen all but the Hitcher. I thought you might have popped Stephen King's Christine in there as well! Happy bloggiversary! It's been a wild ride! Keep up the good work.

  18. Nice list there, and your header: no wonder that bag of bones looks that way, drinking that coffee ; (

    Nice job on the header, I like it ; )

  19. I have seen all of those movies. I liked the death methods in FD2. The one where the glass falls on the kid and the one where the flying fence slices the guy into pieces!

  20. Final Destination 2 is great! Especially that opening scene.

    You know what was a good movie with traffic? Traffic.

  21. The only one of these films that I've seen is The Hitcher. I chose not to watch your clip (thanks for the warning) because I'm a wuss.

    Happy Blogiversary, Wings!

  22. JOY RIDE is definitely in my list of guilty pleasures, I can never get sick of that flick for some reason! Great list here Wings, I need to reproach THE HITCHER soon!

  23. Dr. Monkey: Thanks!

    AngelMay: Love Twilight Zone, too! And yeah, traffic is a nightmare!

    Alan: Hah! I hear ya!

    Ravyn: Hahahaha!

    California Girl: See DUEL!!! And thanks!

    Brian: Yeah, there are probably a ton more. And thanks!

    Jill: The Hitcher is scary stuff.

    Jayne: Less brave, more masochistic. :)

    Rob: Good analogy!

    VE: A bit of stretch, but I had to include it. :)

    Skip: Yeah, that's another intense scene. Ever see "Ghost Ship"?

    Dreamhaven: Hah!

    Betsy: Thank you very much!

    Senski: Never read that story. That would be hell, though. And thanks!

    e: Thank you!!!

    Kate: Thanks. Duel isn't too bad. :)

    Baino: Probably plenty more I could have added. And thanks!

    Coffee Messiah: Thank you, I like it, too! :)

    Otin: Yeah, cool stuff. Have YOU seen "Ghost Ship"?

    Phronk: Yeah, but "Traffic" isn't a horror film!

    Megan: Thanks!

    Sandra: Yeah, the clip is not for everyone. And thanks!

    Carl: Glad you liked it!
