Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 20: A great remake

I have two I could choose here:

The Friday the 13th remake wasn't the perfect remake fans were hoping for, but I think it is better than a lot of people give it credit for. I like it, and I definitely thinks it is better than some of the later F13 sequels. Yes, I'm talking about you, Jason Takes Manhattan!

The House of Wax remake gets scoffed at and I really don't know why! Yes, Paris Hilton is in it, but she gets offed in a very satisfying way. And the rest of the film is just creepy greatness. Quite good!


  1. Wha...? What were your criteria??

  2. Steve - Thanks, but I'm good.

    Gore-Gore Girl - Er, that I liked them?

  3. While I wouldn't go so far as to say that F13 was a "great remake", I also wouldn't go so far as to say that it was a "terrible remake" (as many people are quick to accuse). It was decent--much better than the oh-so-emo rendition of Nightmare on Elm Street--and could just as easily have passed as a modern sequel to the original franchise, had it been marketed that way.


  4. i think it was a great remake because it gave it the grittiness the original lacked , and house of wax was well done the crazy glue scene was real crazy glue on her lips she wanted it to look did lol
