Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Whatcha Gonna Queue?"

I was contacted by Alex Rabinowitz - co-host of the recently launched weekly video series, "Whatcha Gonna Queue?" - about helping to promote the show, and after viewing, I am more than happy to oblige.

Each week Alex and his co-host Jim recommend some of the best titles that Netflix has to offer: New to Netflix (new releases), What the #!*@% is This??? (obscure stuff) and For Your Consideration (timely or relevant cinematic themes).

I liked the episode I watched, and am going to go back and watch the previous three. Here for you to check out and enjoy is their newly released Halloween episode:

Whatcha Gonna Queue? Halloween Episode

Viewers also have a chance to win a free copy of any DVD they've discussed during the episode. The episode ends with a quote from a horror film and the first 5 viewers to tweet the correct answer to their account (@Whatcha_Gonna_Q) will win any title of their choice, no strings attached.

Some Whatcha Gonna Queue? Links:

YouTube Channel
Main Site
Facebook Page
Twitter Page

A great premise, I will be looking forward to more recommendations from Alex and Jim.


  1. Pretty cool... I wouldn't call A Scanner Darkly obscure, though. Then again, I'm sorta surrounded by obscure movies, so never mind.

    Session 9 was really good, but the ending was a letdown. And The Mist was lame. With a retarded ending.

    I like the web-series, though. Ambitious.

  2. will definately check these out, thanks for the post

  3. How cool is that!? Definately going to share that with my friends. Thanks so much for sharing.

