I thought it would be a great opportunity to shine the spotlight on some of the people I have met online, people who have become more than just a weird name or a funny avatar. People who have become true friends.

Ravyn (@ Ravyn's World)
I was going to limit this list to just friends, but I couldn't do it. I had to start with the one person, above all others, who has become not only my best friend but also my love - my wife, Ravyn.
We met way back in 1994, when this online world was still so new. We bonded as friends before we ever met, and fell in love when we did. We have been through so much since then, including raising all of our amazing children together.
We are coming up on 15 years since that first, 'real-life' meeting, and I wouldn't change one thing about any of it. She has shown me not only that there are good, caring, loving people in the world, but that I deserve all that for myself, as well. I only hope I have done the same for her.
Jeff (JeffScape @ Irreverent Irrelevance)
I have known Jeff the longest, in terms of online friends (well, 2nd longest, if you count my Ravyn). We met a long time ago in a comic book chat or forum, I can't recall now.
Our mutual love for, and frustration with, the comic book world was a basis for a friendship that has withstood distance, overcome differences (me = settled family man/him = nomadic soldier) and grown with a shared passion for writing.
Jeff is as loyal and honest (and frustrating) as you can ask for in a friend, and even if he doesn't like to get all mushy about, I am thankful to know him.
Cal (@ Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness)
I met Cal after stumbling across his blog a year ago. I was shocked and amused to find someone posting some many photos, links and anecdotes that I loved and identified with.
Over this past year, I have come to also know Cal as a great guy with a big heart, an eye for the beautifully strange and unusual and a prolific love for blogging that keeps me inspired.
Cal is also always vigilant in the war against the cephalopods, and we will be thanking him for it one day!
Steve (Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein @ Monkey Muck & Dr. Monkey's Retro Blog)
I met Dr. Monkey earlier this year, we had a crossing interest in different blogs, and I soon came to appreciate the strange mix of content he offers daily.
His blogs can be a source of wonderful inanity, with posts featuring creative replacement dialogue mixed with cheesy photos or vintage pics. And the next day it can be a heartfelt post about something dear to him, or a rant about something that just inflames his sense of what is right.
Dr. Monkey is a man who has learned to love and enjoy life while still holding accountable those who need a good kick in the rear. Thanks for saying what some of us find hard to articulate, Doc!
Hector (Curious George @ tvandcelluloid)
I met Hector about a year ago, on a forum for the show we both have a deep-seated love for, "Friday the 13th: The Series". It is a show that has an enduring appeal that goes much deeper than the 80s look it sports.
Hector and I agree on so many points regarding the show, it is amazing sometimes. But I was also taken by the good nature, laid back attitude and generosity that is just who he is.
He has had quite a roller coaster year, but he has maintained quite a positive outlook and a sense of humor about it all. I applaud him for always being able to look on the bright side, and wish him tons of luck in the new chapter he has just begun!
Laura (@ The Aquaman Website and Bloggity-Blog-Blog-Blog)
Laura is another old friend, er... I mean long-time friend! We met when I surfed on over to her amazing, comprehensive site for all things Aquaman. I was as astounded by the work she put into the site as I was by the fact that there was another fan so fanatical about the King of the Seas. Back then, it seemed like we were few and far between.
I have known Laura throughout the ups and downs of our hero, and he has had plenty of those, but also through the ups and downs of normal life. She hasn't always had an easy voyage herself, but she keeps on keeping on, and I am always rooting for her.
I also owe the creation of this blog to her. Back in the Fall of '08, when she posted about one of her Blog-anniversaries, I was inspired to start this one myself. So, thanks Laura!
I could go on and on, really. I have met so many great people here.
Jason Soto (@ Invasion of the B Movies), who shares a love for films that don't always deserve it, and those that deserve more attention than they get.
wiec? (@ when is evil cool?), who is not only quite prolific in his blogging, but also shares a passion for the pop culture world and horror flicks that makes me feel less alone in my weird tastes.
Otin (@ Wizard of Otin), a man with a talent for writing that is always surprising and engrossing. His twisted tales always entertain.
Brian Miller (@ WaystationOne), a man who has a love and appreciation for family and friends that is constantly expressed in great prose and poetry.
Mr. Beautiful (@ The Leroy Lockhorn Appreciation Society), who has a shared love for the wacky and weird comic The Lockhorns. There must be something wrong with both of us.
Gilligan (@ retrospace), a blogger who has an eye and heart for the cheesy, out-dated and always wonderful stuff from our pop culture past. He is an archivist of our groovy memories.
Rob (@ The Aquaman Shrine & namtab.com), a man who continues to amaze and inspire with the sheer amount he is able to accomplish each and every day. I wish I had half his energy.
Jon (@ Random Acts of Geekery, Saturday Morning Superstars, Dracula's Crypt of Collectibles and many more!), who entertains every day with his multitude of blogs, and inspires with his wonderful family.
George (@ Macabre Drive-In Theater), who spotlights the odd and obscure in the horror world we both love.
Carl (@ I Like Horror Movies), who has his finger on the pulse of the horror flicks, both old and new, good and bad, that I connect with.
Johnny (@ Freddy in Space & Win Free Horror Shit!), who has such a love for the horror world that he goes above and beyond to share it with the rest of us. Thank you for all your work and passion, man!
If I missed anyone, it was not intentional. Like I said, I could go on and on.
Thank you all for making life entertaining, exciting, funny, strange and unusual.
I hope to always be your friend.
For more Theme Thursday, click here ---> Family
You honor me with your friendship sir.
ReplyDeleteVery nice tribute to your friends. I studied well and learned a lot. For the last 9 months I've participated in Theme Thursday, and just now learned that Ravyn is your wife.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for the kind words. One can never hear stuff like that enough. You always support everything I say and do especially in the early days of blogging when you were often the only one to comment. I also appreciate how you make me feel like part of the family... that strange uncle who is a bit 'off' because he charts his own course and about whom family legends are built around.
ReplyDeleteA splendid paean to friendship, my friend. Happy TT
ReplyDeleteWonderful post!Happy thursday to you!:)
ReplyDeletei am glad to be considered part of the list...you have become a daily part of my life...thanks for that. happy tt!
ReplyDeleteSome of these bloggsters I have not met... thanks for he vicarious introductions! -Jayne
ReplyDeleteThat was extremely thoughtful of you! Great take on the theme! Happy TT!
ReplyDeleteThis is so cool, and you've introduced me to so many potential new blogs! Very romantic, the story of you and Ravyn.
ReplyDeleteAn excellent take on the theme. I wish I'd thought of it...
ReplyDeleteNo smooches from Jeffscape! Just me! :)
ReplyDeleteLove you - your Ravyn.
Really awesome!
ReplyDeletei recognized many of these, seems we bloggers run in the same circles...friends are friends, met in real life or across the bloggerverse..like penpals only a lot faster...cheers and hppy TT
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful list of friends! And how wise of you to list your wife first! ;) And, how did I not know Ravyn was your wife? How very neat!...lucky man!
ReplyDeleteHappy TT and you have certainly made some wise and interesting choices in your friends. Thanks for sharing here. Now I have more blogs to check out (smiles as she exits...)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shout out! :)
It is rather amazing how close you can get to people by meeting them online.
ReplyDeleteVery nicely put!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely post and homage to your bloggy friends. I must say that to have met your wife online is quite something. I concur with Silver Fox, you can make some truly beautiful friendships online. I know I have...
ReplyDeleteA very happy TT....
what a great post to your friends!!! Love all of my blog friends that I have met the last year.....
ReplyDeleteYou have certainly surrounded yourself with some great friends!
ReplyDeleteIt is such an honor to be on your list! It truly is. May you live long and prosper!!
ReplyDeleteI love that you met your wife on-line. Nice take on friendship!
ReplyDeleteYou are lucky to have so many friends! I bet they are well deserved, too! Happy TT!
ReplyDeleteYou met your wife online? Ah there's hope for me yet. Although all the nice men I meet are too far away. We're a lovely little community aren't we and frankly I've never had a hostile blogger or a nark. Lucky us. I visit a couple of those you nominated and love them to bits. And you've got snow too! I really want snow! 35 tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteA Rich Parade! Happy T.T.'s
ReplyDeleteQuite the list ya got, Wings! I cheated and just pointed to my side-bar( hey! I can only type so much, what with my arthritis )....ouchies!
ReplyDeletethanks for the shout out bro! and the feeling is more than mutual.
ReplyDeleteyou (along with one or two others) were one of the first to go out of your way to be kind to me when I was a just another newbie blogger starting out. I'll never forget that. plus you bring a welcome and real sense of community to this blog jive, which is also commendable.
like the theme to the Golden Girls says "thank you for being a friend."
JeffScape: Wise-ass.
ReplyDeleteDr. Monkey: Like-wise, sir.
Ronda Laveen: Thanks! :)
Cal: You're welcome. And thank you for your friendship.
Alan Burnett: Thanks!
Candie Bracci: :)
Brian Miller: Right back at ya!
Harnett-Hargrove: You're welcome!
Skip Simpson: Thanks!
Leah: Thanks, we think so, too!
VE: Always a good time to give thanks for friends.
Ravyn: Love you, Forever & Always.
Kate Hanley: Thanks!
Tom: Modern pen pals! Great description for it!
Betsy: I am a lucky man, indeed.
e: And there are some awesome blogs there to check out.
Jason Soto: Well deserved!
The Silver Fox: Quite amazing!
Diana: Thanks!
Rebecca: Thanks. And yes, some online friendships are amazing finds!
nanny: A new friend is always a plus!
willow: Yes, I think so, too!
otin: Hah! Same to you, buddy!
Stephanie: Thanks, I am so glad to have met her!
notaphotographerbutiplayoneontv: ALL are well-deserved!
Baino: Hope for us all, the Internet just widens the pond to fish in! :)
tony: Thanks!
subby: However you can showcase them, right? :)
wiec?: Thank you, too. And thank you for all the great posts!
isn't it great, the www?
ReplyDeletewot a splendid post
(and snow! yay!)
What a great post, and not just because I'm mentioned! Very cool, and back at ya, Joe!
ReplyDeleteAck it seems as if the captcha didnt go through when I origially responded! I think the snow falling on the screen is jamming up my graphics card that blew out but if this goes through I am so happy and blessed to have such an awesome group of new online friends in you and each of the other Horror bloggers out there Wings, thanks for sharing a piece of yourself with each of us!