Friday, August 28, 2009

Halloween ... sorta

So you might have heard that Rob Zombie's Halloween II is in theaters today, and I am sure lots and lots of horror fans will be going to see it. I won't be one of them.

Zombie's Halloween, from 2007, was eagerly anticipated by me. But I was seriously disappointed with the actual film. It was 'too much', both in it's gore and in explaining Michael's childhood. Sometimes, less truly is more.

I will see the new film when it hits DVD. And I will give it a fair chance. But after the last flick, I am not holding my breath.


So as not to be a total bummer, I am presenting the Starz Bunnies version of "Halloween" for your viewing pleasure:

The video embedded below has been having issues.

If it isn't working, go here: Starz Bunnies - Halloween
or here: Angry Alien Productions

Gotta love the bunnies!



  1. I'm with you. I'm skipping this one at the theaters, as well.

  2. You and your progeny are my kind of weird. Very funny doom master very funny. But yeh I'll watch it but only when it's 3 DVD's for $14.95 on a Saturdahy night.

  3. ha. loved the vid...skipping the movie. have a great weekend!

  4. I agree with you that sometimes less is more.You are right.There are some movies that shouldn't have been done.The cartoon was great!:)

  5. When you bring up the original film, I can't help but think of John Carpenter! One of my all time favorite movies is his 1980 version of "The Thing". It was left for a perfect sequel and he never made it!
