Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Texting While Driving - Real Life Horror PSA

At first I debated whether or not to re-post this. But then I thought of all the young people I know who either are driving now or will be soon enough.

I think, while this might be jarring to view, it is a lesson better learned here than the hard, horrible way in the real world.

This can be tough to watch, so be prepared.

Sad, scary, horrible.

I have to admit to being guilty of doing this in the past. But I know I will NOT be texting anymore while driving, ever.

Lesson learned here.


This is a PSA (Public Service Announcement) from Britain.

Originally found at Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch Blog



  1. Ack. ok, so i ever texted...while driving...oh my...

  2. Well worth the re-posting...I am calling my almost 16 year old son to WATCH this! VERY good for him to see and I am WITH YOU...I will NOT be texting while behind the wheel EVER again!

  3. Wings seen to much of this in real time. A frind of mine was almost killed( side air-bags actually worked )...the girl wasn't texting but nattering on her cell and went right through a stop sign...blah, blah, blah, SLAM! Oh dear, I'll have to call you back; I think I just hit something...

    I make it apoint topull over then talk!

  4. I used my imagination. We have very 'graphic' ads here for both drink driving and using mobiles in cars so I get the gist. I never text while driving. Actually, I rarely text. Does putting your lippy on at traffic lights count?

  5. I know these PSA's are harsh but they are the only thing that get to some kids. We had the RCMP bring their seat belt simulator to our school. Its a whole afternoon presentation that really hits home. When the kids see the unbelted dummy come flying out the life sized roling vehicle at only 40 kph (20mph) they are shocked. The police also emphasis other in car dangers so I have seen this PSA before. When we were kids they had brutally graphic films shown to us about sleding near roads. I still am freaked out by those.

  6. Ahh that freaked me out. When I can drive, I will just leave my phone in my bag and will not touch it unless I am safely parked. This video will be in the back of my mind whenever I drive, and I suppose that is a good thing. I will be cautious. I never thought I would ever text or talk on the phone while driving, but it might've happened a few times if I hadn't watched this. Well, I probably wouldn't have texted. I don't think I would have picked up the phone. I will be extremely cautious... as much as I want my friends to be cautious, I don't really want them to be upset or for their parents to be upset I sent it to them. Their parents will deal with them in their own way. I definitely will be wayyy cautious. Something my mum said after I watched the first half (I stopped after the accident and watched the rest just now) affected me too... She said, "I can't even imagine being responsible for your friend's deaths. I can't imagine.". It's true, as much as it upsets me. It goes beyond that, too... To be responsible for the other peoples' deaths? It's not right! I really hope I will never, ever do that. Never ever text or talk on the phone while driving. If it's an emergency, call the passenger. Ahhh I promise. Ohhh I'm all upset now. But I know it's for a good purpose. If it was my teenage kids (not little kids), as much as it would upset them, I would want them to see (if they were old enough) because it would make them cautious. I feel afraid, though, that I'll screw up. This shows one mistake can cost people their lives. What if I screw up? I'll be a teenager... I'll screw up a lot! I can't screw up here, and I can't tell myself I won't screw up here because I can't trust myself not to screw up here!!! Ahhhh Okay, I'm done. I know that I will try my best and I will keep this video in mind, and hopefully I will have kids to show it to one day. :'(. No, :). I'll :).

  7. I really have to stop doing this. Guilty as charged, but I think that definitely put a spook in me to not do it again.
